Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"H" Week

Circle time: Sang Good morning song. Said Pledge of Allegiance. Found a State that started with "H". (They still wanted to sit on Florida). We figured out what day it was. Introduced letter of the week “H”. Introduce word of the day, Hurricane for English, and Horno is oven in Spanish.

Free craft time: Colored "H" and drew "H" and read "H" words: Hard, Hat, Hit, Hook, Hot. Then Lorien and Darius practiced writing them too. They both did a great job reading and writing these words.

Science: Heat, I (Anne) folded up edges of aluminum foil to make 4 small pans, then the kids put lumps of butter, a TBS of sugar, TBS of salt and a small piece of bread into the foil pans. I put the pans onto a baking tray, and put them in the Horno to bake at 400 degrees for 30 min. I think it was too long, but we found out that the bread got hard, the sugar and butter melted and the salt didn't change at all. Then to further study heat (and have the heat a little closer) I had the children draw bread, popping corn and a candle. They each examined the items and told me what they saw and how they felt and smelt. Then we cooked the popcorn, toasted the bread and lit the candle. We talked about the difference in each of the items. They really enjoyed eating the popcorn after our experiments on heat were all over.

Reading Time: Hurry and the Monarch by Antoine O Flathara, and Hot Air, the (Mostly) True Story of the First Hot-air Baloon Ride by Marjorie Priceman.

Exercise: Freeze Tag. It was very exausting. Farah couldn't play with us, so it was just me and Darius and Lorien. It was sooo hard to keep running! They were both so fast!

Snack Time: Wash hands

Closing circle time:Remind to bring something on Wed that starts with an “H”

(There were no pictures because I forgot to bring mine and Farah couldn't find hers! Sorry!)

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