Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jan 16th 2009 Winter

Wow! Darius and Lorien found something!

Are you sure?!?

Since Dinosaur bones are so old, Darius has to use a brush to get the last bits of sand off.

Yeah! They found a Dinosaur!

Just having fun!

Circle Time: We're at the park! So it has been absolutely gorgeous here lately. So we decided to go to the park. We sang our "Good Morning" song. Then we talked about what day it was. We didn't have a calendar, so we just had to remember. Then we said our Pledge of Allegiance without a flag. And I even had a new word for them, Permission. It was a very important word for them to learn.

Free Craft: So since we were at the park I didn't have any coloring things with us. So I brought puzzles for them to put together. There was an Arthur puzzle and a Winnie the Pooh puzzle. Both puzzles had 24 pieces. We did really well putting them both together. It takes a lot of team work to get a puzzle of that size put together.

History: I also brought a few pages of a wooded book Lorien has. It has wooden dinosaur magnets on them with their names. We talked about how Paleontologists dig in the ground and find bones. Then they put them together and sometimes they turn out to be dinosaurs! They liked that idea. So we dug in the sand, we pretended to be paleontologists, and found a dinosaur there! We think it was a Velociraptor. But I asked Lorien and Darius a couple questions about that type of work, and they decided that it takes a long time, is dirty and hard work. We can now appreciate the work Paleontologists do.

Reading: I didn't have any Dinosaur books so we read, The Incredible Painting of Feliz Clousseau by Jon Agee, and The Warrior and the Wise Man by David Wisniewski, which was chosen for it's beautiful pictures since I didn't have another book that had a "p" word in it's title.

Snack and Closing: Since we were at the park we sat on a bench to eat, and Lorien and Darius got to play, mostly on the swings.

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